
Best Practices for Performance Reviews

Best Practices for Performance Reviews

Performance reviews–typically handled once a year –are a critical step for assessing employees.   Performance reviews aren’t considered a hard science and accurately measuring individual employee performance really varies from company to company.   Here are some best practices that companies can implement to make the process more productive and enjoyable: Communicate

The Changing Field of Human Resources

The Changing Field of Human Resources

The Human Resources field has changed significantly over the years.   According to Forbes Magazine, HR has historically focused administrating employees and their resources.  Today, however, the focus of HR efforts are geared more toward optimizing and connecting employees in ways like never before. While traditional HR efforts focused on ensuring

Increasing Staff Morale With ModernHR

Increasing Staff Morale With ModernHR

According to an article from Forbes Magazine, workplace morale is the greatest factor contributing toward employee effectiveness and collaboration, resulting in a stronger and more productive business environment. While many executives tend to agree with this statement, a significant majority of businesses across the globe still haven’t begun taking the

Human Resources and Outsourcing: Employee Training

Human Resources and Outsourcing: Employee Training

With the volatility in today’s stock market, companies tend to use defensive strategies to remain in the black.  Subsequently, the workforce responds by going on the move.  This movement is sometimes voluntary, but more often than not, it is involuntarily.  Never made that correlation?  You see, long gone are…

How Human Resources and Outsourcing Can Be Beneficial to Businesses

How Human Resources and Outsourcing Can Be Beneficial to Businesses

Outsourcing is an effective and smart solution to help manage your business costs, become more flexible and efficient. When a business outsources its employees, it allows the business to takeadvantage of new opportunities. Both small and large companies outsource human resources because it helps reduce the cost of hiring and