

3 Considerations to Recruit Better Candidates

Some issues in human resources arise because we are…human. Other issues may arise because our recruiting process isn’t up to par. Perhaps it’s been a while since it was updated. When not enough attention is paid to the recruiting process, the humans in the positions may not be well qualified

Time-Based vs. Task-Based Models of Productivity

The one thing that we are all very concerned with, when it comes to work, is productivity. We all want to do more in less time; we want to achieve more with less effort; we want to work what one author calls “the 4-hour workweek” and become millionaires. But when

Challenges of Building a Post-COVID Company Culture

COVID-19 is creating permanent change in workforce policies and corporate culture. Leadership teams face numerous challenges as they manage employees in a post-COVID environment. At this point, only one thing is certain: the workplace will never operate the same way it did before COVID. Here are some of the issues

How to Develop Levels of Trust and Stop Micromanaging Employees

What does it mean to trust your employees? Many business owners might think that trusting employees refers to trusting them with financial information or sensitive documents. This is a certain type of trust. And obviously, you need to hire employees whom you can trust in this way. But there are

How to Keep Your Cool in an Overheating World

Times are tough. No one will argue that, but guess who is tougher? You are. All you need is a little boost in the right direction and some tools to keep your cool when others may not be. Take a look at these three steps that can change the way

Thinking, Overthinking and Processing Your Fears

Most of us don’t like it when people tell us, “You’re thinking too much” or “You’re overthinking.” What exactly do these phrases mean? What is it to think too much? And why is it bad? Hasn’t anyone who has achieved anything in life done so by thinking things through? Haven’t

4 Job-Related Equations Which Show the Importance of Communication

Research shows that doctors who don’t have a good bedside manner get sued more often than doctors who do. It’s not the efficiency of the doctor which matters in this case; it’s the way they communicate with patients. Doctors who take the time to understand what their patients are going

Avoiding Perfectionism and Looking at the Big Picture in Your Business

Many of us believe that it’s good to be a perfectionist. After all, the very word “perfection” has a positive ring to it. It sounds like something that’s better than anything else. But it’s also very easy to get bogged down in perfectionism. When you keep trying to get all

How to Motivate Your Employees During Challenging Times

When you’re going through challenging times, it’s easy for people to become demotivated. We’re all used to going to our offices during the day and socializing with people in the evenings. So it’s hard to accept that we’re going to have to miss out on the things we take for