
How Outsourcing HR Can Save Your Company Money Part 2

How Outsourcing HR Can Save Your Company Money Part 2

Previously, we shared our thoughts on how outsourcing your company’s Human Resources department to a professional firm can save you money. Besides coordinating your employee’s healthcare benefits, payroll and retirement plans, the company can also recommend affordable solutions for each one. Below are some additional ways an outside Human Resources

How Outsourcing HR Can Save Your Company Money Part 1

Every entrepreneur is passionate about their business. Your love for what you do is what drives you to strive for excellence every day. However, there are many responsibilities – like human resources – that come with being a business owner that may not be as enjoyable. Luckily, many companies are

The Secret Weapon of Startups: Outsourcing HR

The Secret Weapon of Startups: Outsourcing HR

Forbes magazine gloomily states that 90 percent of startups fail.  This could be because of imperfect products, poor planning and a lack of continuous improvement. Forbes magazine also states that successful entrepreneurs don’t work in their business, but on their business. An easy way to improve a company’s efficiency and

Ways to Increase Workplace Creativity

Ways to Increase Workplace Creativity

The workplace that becomes dull and complacent soon fails to deliver good results. It is part of your job as a company leader to break up monotony with innovation. Creativity requires efforts and produces growth. Businesses that take advantage of the unique perspectives offered by its teams are the ones

3 Reasons Why Outsourcing HR is Now the Preferred Solution

3 Reasons Why Outsourcing HR is Now the Preferred Solution

One of the leading business magazine recently stated that approximately 85 percent of all companies outsource at least a few HR functions. Keep reading to learn the motivation behind this growing trend and how it will benefit your organization. Affordable Advantages The leading reason behind the switch from in-house HR

Seven Mistakes New Managers Often Commit

Seven Mistakes New Managers Often Commit

Young professionals exhibit a variety of great traits. They are excited, energetic and generally fearless. These attributes often create a great amount of success for these in-charge individuals. Unfortunately, youth can have its downside. Learn what seven critical mistakes new leaders often commit. Many business people, fresh out of college

How to Ease Stress on Your Employees

How to Ease Stress on Your Employees

Stress wreaks havoc on both the mind and the body. When your company’s workers experience excessive pressure regularly, their productivity suffers. Reducing and managing strain poses a challenge. Don’t leave your employees to deal with job anxiety on their own. Take initiatives to help them alleviate and deal with the

What Makes a Good Human Resources Professional

What Makes a Good Human Resources Professional?

What makes a good human resources professional? What sets them apart from the others? If you are a business owner, looking to outsource your human resources department, you have likely asked this question. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the traits that make a good human resources

Four Ways to Increase Employee Engagement

Human Resources: Four Ways to Increase Employee Engagement

When you have a clock-in-clock-out work environment, your employees are more likely to check out before the day is done. Give your greatest assets–your employees–a reason to stay invested in your company and their job by creating a workplace they enjoy being a part of. Here are four ideas to

Human Resources: What to Put in a Performance Improvement Plan

Human Resources: What to Put in a Performance Improvement Plan

In Human Resources, it’s important to hire candidates who are qualified and capable for the job. But even talented, hard-working staff occasionally encounter performance difficulties. Sometimes, employees have difficulties such as transitioning to new job duties or having challenges with one specific area of their job. When employees have continued