Human Resources

Human Resources - Performance Reviews and What to Review

Keys to Better Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are a key component of effective human resources management, but they are rarely anyone’s favorite part of the year. “For many employees, a face-to-face performance review is the most stressful work conversation they’ll have all year,” writes Rebecca Knight in the Harvard Business Review. “For managers, the discussion is just as tense.” Part

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Why Should You Outsource HR Instead of Automate It? Part 3

Why Should You Outsource HR Instead of Automate It? Part 3

HR should be a core component of the company, serving as the heart of how employees relate to the business as an employer. Don’t replace that opportunity to build employee loyalty to the company by taking the humans out of human resources. Instead, turn to experts and outsource your company’s HR needs to avoid tricky situations like the

Why Should You Outsource HR Instead of Automate It? Part 3 Read More

Meeting Diversity Challenges in the Workplace: Strategies for Teambuilding

Meeting Diversity Challenges in the Workplace: Strategies for Teambuilding

The human potential of your staff is an organization’s greatest strength. But the face of the American workforce is changing rapidly and that change is a challenge to some. Your team needs to work together to meet the goals of the business. How do you build teams in a diverse workplace? What is a diverse workplace? It’s an

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The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Company’s HR Department

The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Company’s HR Department

No matter what industry your business serves, maintaining a strong HR department is the key to helping your business succeed. However, maintaining a large human resources department can quickly become a costly, stressful, difficult task. This is where outsourcing HR can be extremely beneficial. When you outsource your HR, an outside agency takes care of

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