Transforming Your Company Culture To Enhance Employee Wellness

Transforming Your Company Culture To Enhance Employee Wellness

It might seem like a cliché to say that you have to change with the times but it is nonetheless true. Many organizations are set up in a certain way and continue to function in that way 10 or even 20 years later. But the fact is that the things that people valued 10 or 20 years ago are different from the things that people value now.

Working Hard vs. Maintaining Work/Life Balance

Consider the fact that working hard and working long hours may have been valued a lot 10 or 20 years ago. But this has now been replaced with the idea of work/life balance. As time goes on, people become more conscious of their quality of life and that elusive quality often referred to as “wellness.” And it’s important for an organization to recognize that, in order to attract top talent, they have to be willing to change themselves and give their employees the things that they are looking for.

Transformation Through Physical Change

So transformation can come in many forms, all designed to improve wellness. At a very basic level, you can transform the look and feel of your offices, making them more welcoming for clients and employees alike. You’ll be surprised at the change you’ll notice in employees’ levels of enthusiasm when you introduce more colors and light into their surroundings. A brighter, well-kept space is always more inspiring to work in than one that is full of drab colors and fluorescent lights.

Transforming Company Culture to Include Wellness

It’s not just physical space which needs to be transformed, although it can constitute the first step of transformation. You also need to transform your company culture to make it into one which encourages employees to develop to the fullest. Companies are slowly recognizing that paying attention to the happiness of their employees benefits them in the long run because of the increase in those employees’ productivity.

So it’s good to encourage communication and creativity. You may even consider giving employees a certain amount of time to devote to projects of their own choosing (projects that might, in the future, help out the company). And even simple things such as a free yoga or meditation class and providing healthy snacks in the company kitchen can lead the way to larger transformations which will benefit the company overall.