Human Resources: 7 Actions to Make You More Successful in Business

Human Resources: 7 Actions to Make You More Successful in Business

Every entrepreneur realizes the many hours needed to establish a business. What you might not realize, however, that actions you take in your “off” time can help you reach professional goals. Learn what seven things you can do to guarantee success in work and life.

Learn: Take classes to provide you with skills to further your success. Community colleges are a great resource for low-cost educational opportunities. Invest in classes that teach new software programs or marketing techniques.

Network: Be active in your business community. Take a break from your keyboard and visit your local small business center to make new connections. Organize your own meet-up with other entrepreneurs, advertise your session on Twitter and other social media platforms

Visualize: Use restful periods to visualize your future business success. Indulge your daydreams to restore needed motivation and energy. Join a meditation group to help you learn to both focus and relax.

Exercise: Physical fitness gives you the stamina to keep your hectic schedule moving. Work out aerobically for at least 20 minutes every other day. Build strength on alternate days by exercising with small weights or resistance bands.

Encounter: Use some of your spare time to discover the diversity in your area. Seek out interactions with people of different backgrounds, ages and races. You learn much from others of different cultures. Look for community events that attract particular population segments to make connections.

Serve: Volunteer in your local region. Give back to the community by ladling soup at a shelter or answer phones on crisis hotline to build a great reputation and show you care.

Create: Get your right brain functioning at top capacity by enjoying an artistic activity. Write a song, play an instrument, throw paint on a canvas or do an arts and craft project. Your creativity will carry over into your entrepreneurial pursuits.

Don’t waste your precious time “off”. Reach out to others and cultivate personal interests which will help you succeed in every area.