How to Get in the "Flow" for Better Performance

How to Get in the “Flow” for Better Performance

Do you ever get so involved in something that you forget about time, move effortlessly along with your task and are not tempted to take a break? This experience has a name; “flow”,  is a state where you energetically work with intense focus and enjoyment. This is the zone, all workers long to enter. Learn what steps to take to achieve “flow” anytime you want.

1. Dedicate a block of time to work on one thing. Identify the most pressing particular project and promise yourself you will not to multi-task. Attempting to handle several different types of work simultaneously prevents you from concentrating intently. You should aim for complete immersion.

2. Create a distraction free work space. Get rid of the visual and audio stimuli that will pull you away from what you need to do. Set your phone to “silent”, close your office door and stay off the internet. Set an alarm if you have to finish at a particular time. Tell your co-workers (or others who might interrupt) your plans.

3. Quiet your mind before you delve into your work. Take a few deep breaths, concentrating solely on your breathing. Do several stretches, takes some sips of water and close your eyes for a minute. Think about the scope of your task and envision yourself at work. You are now ready to begin.

You will likely find it difficult to get in the state of flow on your initial attempt. When you find your thoughts moving away from the task, remind yourself to turn back to your work. Don’t give up and stop before time is up. Practice this routine as often as possible. Repetition allows you to enter the zone more often and in a shorter period of time.