Lady Med

Getting Rid of Mind Chatter for Increased Wellness

It’s a little difficult to define the word “wellness.” According to the Oxford dictionary, it is “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” So pursuing good health is wellness.

Wellness: Being in the Present

In daily usage, wellness doesn’t just refer to physical health. It can also refer to mental health. It’s a general, overall state of feeling good and being in a good place, mentally and physically. It’s that space in which you feel centered in the core of your body. It’s the space in which nothing is bothering you. You don’t have any niggling feelings in the back of your head, no worries or anxieties. You’re not getting dressed for work and thinking about what you’re going to have for dinner. In fact, you’re completely in the present.

Wellness: The Absence of “Mind Chatter”

Can you remember the last time you were in the present? For most of us, that state of complete mindlessness, when we’re not bothered by what, in Indian philosophy, is referred to as “mind chatter,” happens very rarely. It might not really occur more than once or twice a day. And sometimes, it doesn’t happen at all.

Wellness: Moments of Mindlessness

You know how you sometimes glance up from your computer and find yourself staring into space? Or maybe you’re jogging and you suddenly have an intensely good feeling during which you aren’t thinking of anything. That’s called being in the zone, but it’s also one of the main characteristics of wellness.

Increasing Wellness via Meditation

Many people recommend meditative practice for wellness. This might include yoga, breathing exercises, one of many different forms of meditation and even walking/running. Different things work for different people.

“Know Thyself” for Increased Wellness

Wellness needs to start by evaluating where you are at present. What level of “mind chatter” are you experiencing? Is it more, in comparison to what you’ve felt in the past, or less? Also, you can look back to the times when you felt most centered and least worried and anxious. What were you doing during those times? Did you have a constant yoga practice? Were you painting, writing or creating art more regularly?

Different types of practices are meditative for different people. So in order to achieve wellness, you need to think about what works for you and include more of that into your daily life.