For An Outstanding Business, Recognize Outstanding Employees

For An Outstanding Business, Recognize Outstanding Employees

Great Employees make a great business. You really can’t have one without the other. But how do you find outstanding people, and once you do, how do you keep them? In the next few paragraphs we’re going to break that question down and help you find the answer.

Qualities Of A Great Employee.

The following is a list of traits to watch out for in your current employees. When doing new employee interviews, try to frame questions around these qualities, to find a really outstanding worker.

Great Employees Look Ahead.

They anticipate problems that may occur later down the road, either with current procedures or when a new idea is put into place. They address potential problems early and try to find a solution before any damage is done.

Great Employees Are Constantly Learning.

They watch the way things are done around them and they learn, not just about their specific job function, but about the way the corporation works as a whole. This knowledge allows them to make suggestions and changes to how they work and allows them to work more efficiently. They ask for help when they need it and recognize that they can’t do everything by themselves.

Great Employees Address Conflict.

Rather than avoid conflict, an outstanding employee will seek conflict resolution, in a way that maintains respect for all involved. They tell the truth about sticky topics, like workload and ineffective procedures and find a way to work through these challenges.

Great Employees Have A Career Plan.

They make goals and work toward them. They don’t assume their employer will manage their job, they take charge of their own career. They may do this by seeking out new educational opportunities and by attending workshops or trade shows, to learn as much as they can about the industry.

Great Employees Form Great Relationships.

They seek to maintain relationships with people both inside and outside the company. They network and look for ways to work together in a mutually beneficial way. They are often a coach or mentor to others in the workplace, eager to share their knowledge, so that the entire business can be successful.

How To Keep A Great Employee.

Now that we’ve identified some qualities of a great employee, we’re going to list some ways to recognize those people, so that they stick around to grow your business.

Invest In Their Professional Development.

Allow them to attend programs that provide ongoing training. Show the employee that you encourage continued learning.

Make A Donation To Their Chosen Non-Profit.

Giving back to the community is a great way for a business to show they care. Reward great employees, by allowing them to choose their favorite charity for the donation.

Have Quarterly Or Monthly Employee Awards.

This gives you a chance to recognize publicly and celebrate the employees with outstanding performance.

Have Peers Congratulate Them.

This can be as simple as having an “Outstanding Work” board, where employees tack notes about their coworkers as a way to say thank you and recognize a job well done.

Recognizing an outstanding employee is simple, as long as you make an effort to pay attention. It’s cliche, but employees really are the lifeblood of a company. It pays to take some extra time to recognize the good ones, so they stick around. For more information, visit us at Modern HR.