Human Resources: Spring is The Perfect Time To Start a Workplace Wellness Program

Human Resources: Spring is The Perfect Time To Start a Workplace Wellness Program

With spring and warm weather approaching again, your employees are probably hoping to spend more time outside. Winter often induces hibernation patterns, but spring encourages all of us to spend more time moving around. For this reason, spring is the perfect time for Human Resources departments to start workplace wellness initiatives.

Workplace wellness programs motivate employees to develop healthy habits, and promote positive results in the workplace. Employees who exercise and eat nourishing foods tend to be happier, have more energy, and produce more productively.

Here are three tips for starting a wellness program at your office:

1. Create positive posters and email with health tips. Colorful, fun posters and engaging emails are a great way to get your employees motivated to participate in the wellness program. One example is to create a poster with pictures of popular high calorie beverages and describe how many minutes of exercise it takes a 150 lb person to burn off each drink. Keep the messages fun, uplifting, and motivating.

2. Offer healthy options and opportunities for your employees. Healthy habits start at the office, where employees spend the majority of their day. If your workplace serves food, offer healthy meals and snacks, and bring healthy alternatives to donuts to the weekly staff meeting. If your workplace has space, encourage your employees to take walks outdoors during breaks, or you can even bring in gym equipment. Another great incentive is offering to help pay for the cost for an employee to join a gym.

3. Give rewards to successful employees. Incentives are a great way to motivate your employees toward health. Considering giving a small reward, such as a gift card, to employees who meet a health goal. Make the health goal empowering and universal; for example, exercising a certain number of times per week for a month.

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