Human Resources: Seven Deadly "Ins" of Employee Management

Human Resources: Seven Deadly “Ins” of Employee Management

A huge mandate of human resources is wisely leading employees. Simply put, good leaders produce good workers. A manager must know what to do to produce good results but, of equal importance, must realize what NOT to do. There are six killing mistakes of employee management. Warning, if you commit one or more of these “in’s, it erases all the good things you do in the minds of your employees.

Inconsistent: Do not waffle on decisions or protocol as workers will be confused and unsure how to proceed. Also, inconsistent treatment of employees can be seen as “playing favorites” resulting in a loss of trust.

Inept: A good leader must understand every facet of the jobs they oversees. If she/he is incapable of performing the work, employees lose respect for them.

Indecisive: Good managers make good decisions especially when under pressure. Indecisiveness is viewed as weak and untrustworthy.

Intrusive: Those who micromanage produce ineffectual workers who lack self-esteem and resist growth. Step back from your workers to allow them to develop.

Inactive: Do not sit at your desk all day. If you are not participating, interacting and communicating you are not leading your workforce

Inappropriate: Remain professional at all times. Do not gossip, use profane language or butt into the personal affairs of your workers.

Insincere: Workers immediate identify a superior who is there just for the paycheck. Take action to show you care about the business and its people. Get in the trenches, communicate and give your best.

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